Monster Media 1995 #11
Monster Media No. 11 (Second Quarter 1995)(Monster Media, Inc.).ISO
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File List
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;╔════════════════════════════════════════════════╡ MATH / SCIENCE │
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E:\MATH\95EQCA15.ZIP 87995 04/21/95 95EQCA15.ZIP CDMG Earthquake Maps and Reports for Week 15,
E:\MATH\95EQCA16.ZIP 87993 04/21/95 95EQCA16.ZIP CDMG Earthquake Maps and Reports for Week 16,
E:\MATH\95EQCA17.ZIP 105548 05/02/95 95EQCA17.ZIP CDMG Earthquake Maps and Reports for Week 17,
E:\MATH\95EQCA18.ZIP 55935 05/09/95 95EQCA18.ZIP CDMG Earthquake Maps and Reports for Week 18,
E:\MATH\ALGEBI1.ZIP 189736 04/24/95 ALGEBI1.ZIP Algebra I Volume 1. Provides the basic
!>foundation necessary to learn all the
!>algebraic principles. Learning is fun and
!>easy using this animated and interactive
!>tutoring system.
E:\MATH\ASTROMWN.ZIP 248850 04/02/95 ASTROMWN.ZIP AstroMart v4.0. Comprehensive software for
!>professional and amateur astrologers.
E:\MATH\CLC177.ZIP 62847 04/30/95 CLC177.ZIP DOS command line scientific calculator.
!>Calculates, evaluates math expressions, plots
!>graphs, solves equations, outputs tables of
!>data, does statistics, reads and writes to
!>files and printer (up to 32000 lines).
E:\MATH\CLCATR14.ZIP 23047 04/29/95 CLCATR14.ZIP Four function calculator with single memory
!>and percent key. Keeps running "tape" of
!>calculations for entire session.
E:\MATH\CT051795.ZIP 10610 05/27/95 CT051795.ZIP CalTech Earthquake Map for 5/11-5/17, 1995.
E:\MATH\CT053195.ZIP 10619 06/08/95 CT053195.ZIP CalTech Earthquake Map for 5/25-5/31, 1995.
E:\MATH\DCCA14.ZIP 291336 04/01/95 DCCA14.ZIP DC Circuit Analysis v1.4 <ASP> Creates and
!>evaluates computer circuits. Docs function as
!>a tutorial on computer circuits.
E:\MATH\DTH6S.ZIP 113124 04/30/95 DTH6S.ZIP DTH6S v1.0. AI program of a new kind based on
!>DNA Array. Emulates human thought within the
!>limits of a small vocabulary.
E:\MATH\ECUSHARE.ZIP 420654 04/30/95 ECUSHARE.ZIP The Earth Centered Universe v2.0 for Windows.
!>Displays many of the features of the Earth's
!>sky. Enter your geographic location/time and
!>the local sky is colorfully displayed on the
E:\MATH\ELEMV12A.ZIP 53215 06/06/95 ELEMV12A.ZIP The Periodic Table v1.2. Great way to learn
!>the elements.
E:\MATH\EXCHANGE.ZIP 9810 05/15/95 EXCHANGE.ZIP Power Exchange v1.0 for Windows. Currency
!>convertor calculator.
E:\MATH\FAHCEL.ZIP 23961 04/12/95 FAHCEL.ZIP Fahrenheit to Celsius Converter. Convert
!>between celsius and fahrenheit temperatures.
!>C++ source code is included.
E:\MATH\KSTAT4.ZIP 1347936 04/04/95 KSTAT4.ZIP Kwikstat v4.0. Performs data analysis for
!>scientific and business data.
E:\MATH\KURV44B.ZIP 1229905 04/19/95 KURV44B.ZIP Kurv+ v4.4b for Windows. Statistical analysis
!>program with 4 modules: Curve Fitting,
!>Multiple Linear Regression, Multiple Linear
!>Regression and Graph Builder.
E:\MATH\MATHBK26.ZIP 1234650 04/19/95 MATHBK26.ZIP Mathbook+ v2.6b for Windows. Computes
!>definite integral from known functions and
!>data. Progressions, Binomials, Permutations,
!>Linear Equations, more.
E:\MATH\MATHCARD.ZIP 64514 04/06/95 MATHCARD.ZIP MathCard v1.1. Flashcards for kids. Covers
!>addition through simple division.
E:\MATH\MATHMATE.ZIP 235170 05/13/95 MATHMATE.ZIP Mathmate Demo - Advanced Math Analysis.
!>Provides easy to use math analysis and
!>calculations in root finding, integration,
!>interpolation, approximation, O.D.E.,
!>non-linear systems, eigenvalues, matrix
!>algebra and decomposition and more.
E:\MATH\MTUTOR12.ZIP 96554 04/01/95 MTUTOR12.ZIP Math Tutor v1.2 for Windows. Emulates the
!>working of math problems on paper; can
!>generate millions of problems for grades 1-6
!>& will greatly improve the student's math
E:\MATH\PT300.ZIP 955039 04/03/95 PT300.ZIP Periodic Table v3.0 <ASP> Table of 111
!>elements. 800 isotopes, 30 data items on
!>each. Decay trees, printing, graphing, and
E:\MATH\QTM95.ZIP 359791 04/30/95 QTM95.ZIP QTM and CapQuant v9504 for Windows. Two
!>programs for converting observed deviations
!>from an intended target value (in almost any
!>form of quantitative variable) into surrogate
!>measures of cost-of-poor-quality.
E:\MATH\RXRG95.ZIP 304834 05/01/95 RXRG95.ZIP RXridge, RXtraces, PathProj v9505. Maximum
!>Likelihood methods of shrinkage in regression
!>(classical, empirical Bayes, and random
!>coefficients), with interactive graphic
E:\MATH\SEARISE.ZIP 65693 06/13/95 SEARISE.ZIP GIFs (and FAQ) that demonstrate rising sea
E:\MATH\SMATH32.ZIP 407659 04/25/95 SMATH32.ZIP SymbMath v3.2. Powerful symbolic calculator
!>solves mathematical and algebraic problems
!>and provides a complete symbolic, numeric and
!>graphical computing environment with built in
!>expert system.
E:\MATH\SYMBOL57.ZIP 131872 05/10/95 SYMBOL57.ZIP Mathomatic v5.7. Symbolic math program that
!>can automatically solve, simplify, combine,
!>and graph algebraic equations, etc.
E:\MATH\TRACKEYE.ZIP 339180 05/15/95 TRACKEYE.ZIP Tracking the Eye for Windows. Hurricane
!>tracking program displays the distance
!>between any city on the Eastern seaboard and
!>the storm it is tracking.
E:\MATH\USGS0412.ZIP 62801 04/16/95 USGS0412.ZIP USGS Earthquake Maps and Reports for 4/6-4/12
E:\MATH\USGS0419.ZIP 51361 04/23/95 USGS0419.ZIP USGS Earthquake Maps and Reports for
!>4/13-4/19 1995.
E:\MATH\USGS0426.ZIP 65360 05/01/95 USGS0426.ZIP USGS Earthquake Maps and Reports for
!>4/20-4/26 1995.